
Member of Ashar Alo Society (AAS)
Ashar Alo Society (AAS) Total Number of Members Up to Date: 30 June ‘2019 Sl# Area Total Members Total Number of Died Members Total Number of Alive Members M F Child TG Total M F Child TG Total M F Child TG Total Boy Girl Boy Girl Boy Girl 1 Dhaka 928 479 37 22

HIV / AIDS scenario in Bangladesh
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 New HIV infection 445 338 370 433 469 578 865 869 (681+188) New died 85 65 82 91 95 141 125 148 Cumulative HIV infection 2533 2871 3241 3674 4143 4721 5586 6455 Cumulative died 325 390 472 563 658 799 924 1072 Data Source: AIDS &